Can Tongue and Lip Piercing Harm Teeth and Gums?

Piercing, whether oral or any other type, is always most famous in all ages. Now a day’s, many oral piercings are becoming popular among adults. If you also want to get this piercing in the lips or Tongue. Then make sure to know how it affects your gums and teeth. Plus, you must also know the lip Piercing healing stages to avoid such issues. 

How Lip Piercing Accessories Affect Your Mouth

lip Piercing

Tongue and lip piercings are most famous among young adults. But these also cause many issues in your mouth area. So you must know the harmful effects and find ways to minimize such impacts. 


Maybe you do not have any idea where people want to get a piercing in their mouth. So we are here to discuss some types of oral and lip piercings:

Dorsoventral tongue piercing: 

It is among the common form of piercings. In this piercing, the piercer inserts the jewelry from the dorsal part to the ventral part of the Tongue. To keep the jewelry in place, the stud is used. 

Dorsolateral tongue piercing: 

In this type of piercing, the piercer inserts the jewelry through the thickness of the Tongue. To keep this jewelry in place, a barbell stud is used. 

Lip piercing: 

In this type of piercing, the piercer inserts the jewelry anywhere in the lip. But the common areas are the middle and corner of the lips. 

Cheek piercing: 

Another name for this piercing is dimple piercing because it is present in the center of the cheeks. To keep jewelry in place, two barbell studs are used. 

Web piercing: 

In this piercing, the piercer inserts the jewelry on the frenum or on the mucus membrane that undergoes the Tongue. 

Uvula piercing: 

It is the less common type in which the barbell pierces the uvula. It is a fold of connective tissues present on the back of the throat. The side lip piercing healing time is different, so make sure to be careful during that time. 

Effects of Lip Piercing:

lip piercing

No matter which type of oral piercing you get, you always need to wear a permanent metal piece. Obviously, this metal can cause many health issues, such as:

Bad Breath

As you wear jewelry in your mouth, it is a better place for plaque to hide as it is difficult to brush around the jewelry, which causes continuous growth of plaque. As a result, it causes bad breath. 


Due to smiley piercing, there is more production of saliva. Though saliva is good for fighting against cavities, it also causes dribbling. 

Infection, Pain, and Swelling

No matter whether you get a piercing in a hygienic environment. But still, there are many chances of infection. However, your mouth is wet, so it causes bacterial growth, which can further cause infection. So when your tongue block air, it causes difficulty in breathing. 

Dental Appointment Difficulties

Though in mouth piercing, you have to use metal jewelry, so it can cause interference in X-rays. So make an appointment with the dentist to adjust this issue. 

Chipped Teeth

Commonly people have an issue with biting or playing with piercing jewelry. So it can cause chipped teeth because metal remains in your mouth. 

Damaged Dental Work

Metal jewelry can also damage dental work. Plus, it damages braces, crowns, and fillings. 

Worn Teeth

Some people have a habit of rubbing jewelry with their teeth. So it can cause worn teeth after some time, plus it maximizes cavity issues. 

Crooked Teeth

It is not a common symptom and causes a gap between two teeth. Another name for this issue is diastema. So care for your oral piercings and oral health. 

Receding Gums

It is a common issue in almost 40% of people who have done oral piercing. But this issue arises after four years or more. The common cause of this issue is the movement of piercing with the gums. 


Suppose you don’t resolve the issue of gum damage. Then it becomes periodontitis. It is a common condition that arises after the pulling of bone and gums away from the teeth. 

Nerve Damage

Commonly piercing cause numbness in the Tongue, but it is temporary. While in some cases, it becomes permanent. As a result, it badly affects the taste and capacity to speak correctly. 


You will need to pay more attention to your mouth if you choose to have a mouth piercing. Ask your local dentist if you should schedule more appointments for checkups. In order to prevent developing damage that will last a lifetime, you may need to go to the dentist three to four times per year.

Make sure there is no food or other debris at the piercing site. By brushing and flossing on a daily basis, you can uphold good oral hygiene habits. Playing with your piercing against your gums or teeth is not recommended. If you notice any signs of an infection, get in touch with your dentist or doctor right away!


Can Tongue piercing hurt your gums?

Tongue piercing can damage your gums which are located on the front lower teeth. However, lip piercing can affect your front teeth’ gums. In some cases, if you don’t treat them properly, then you might experience periodontitis infection. 

Do lip piercing cause gum recession?

The lip piercing causes normal gum recession if it is not treated early. On the other hand, it also severely damages the supporting tissues. It can hurt the bone structure of the teeth. Over time, it can eventually result in tooth loss. 

What are the side effects of having a tongue pierced?

According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), Tongue piercing can result in tooth loss. You might experience infection, nerve and gum damage, and loss of taste. Periodontal disease or oral cancer could occur if the jewelry in causes irritation.

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